Children, Youth and Road Environment: Road traffic accident
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Driving is a complex process which involves eye-hand-foot coordination. Failure to coordinate will contribute to road traffic accidents (RTA). Young drivers usually represent the highest number of individuals involved in accident cases. Thus, three common ergonomics principles were examined in this study: human-machine-environment. Issues such as land use, vehicle design and the importance of law enforcement are briefly discussed. Further research is needed to improve drivers' behavior and responses while driving. Strict enforcement of legislation and early education on road safety is required. It is also suggested that developing countries should refer to the preventive model used in developed countries for reference.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mohamad Ghazali Masuri, Khairil Anuar Md Isa, Mohd Pozi Mohd Tahir
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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