Children's Participation in Library Space Improvement Programme

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Paramita Atmodiwirjo
Yandi Andri Yatmo


This paper illustrates a physical improvement programme in a primary school library through a participatory process involving children in designing and renovating the space. The improvement of library space has contributed positively to promoting children's active use of the library space. The involvement of children in the process has also promoted their positive attitude and sense of belonging toward the space. Commitment to building the whole school community becomes a challenge during the process and beyond. Promoting children's active role in the development, management and maintenance of the space become important to ensure sustainability after the programme.

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How to Cite
Atmodiwirjo, P. and Yatmo, Y.A. 2017. Children’s Participation in Library Space Improvement Programme. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 2, 4 (Jul. 2017), 21–31. DOI:


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