Public Open Space's Contribution to Quality of Life: Does privatisation matters?

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Achmad Delianur Nasution
Wahyuni Zahrah


The quality of life of people in urban areas is the outcome of people's interaction with the urban environment. Many studies indicate that public open space is one of the important urban environment elements which give a positive contribution to the quality of life. This paper investigates how the privatization of public open space affects the quality of life of people while many studies show the degradation of 'publicness' of public space due to privatization. Research finding indicates that people keep doing their social activities both in the privatized and public area but are physically segregated.

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How to Cite
Nasution, A.D. and Zahrah, W. 2017. Public Open Space’s Contribution to Quality of Life: Does privatisation matters?. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 2, 5 (Oct. 2017), 71–83. DOI:


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