Behavioural Adaptation of Malay Families and Housing Modification of Terrace Houses in Malaysia

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Zaiton Abdul Rahim
Ahmad Hariza Hashim


This paper examines the behavioural adaptation of Malay families living in terrace houses with regard to the activity system, privacy and social interaction among Malay families and terrace housing modification. The study uses case studies of 11 Malay families living in three-bedroom two-storey terrace houses in two urban locations in Malaysia. Findings indicate that behavioural adaptation resulted in changes in some aspects of the Malay culture and housing modifications provided a more supportive living environment but have adverse effects on individual families and the housing communities due to the constraints of the terrace housing design.

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How to Cite
Abdul Rahim, Z. and Hashim, A.H. 2018. Behavioural Adaptation of Malay Families and Housing Modification of Terrace Houses in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 3, 6 (Jan. 2018), 49–57. DOI:


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