Participatory Planning Approach to Urban Conservation and Regeneration in Amphawa Community, Thailand

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Wannasilpa Peerapun


The objective of this article is to examine the participatory planning approach to urban conservation and regeneration in Amphawa Community, Thailand which includes a series of interrelated projects starting from 2000 until the present. The action research procedure is adopted and various public participation techniques are applied intensively throughout the planning process. In addition, 'Amphawa Model', the community conservation and regeneration model are developed to help direct all strategies and policies. Urban conservation and regeneration of Amphawa Community are very successful, making it an excellent case study for urban conservation and regeneration planning at the local level.

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How to Cite
Peerapun, W. 2018. Participatory Planning Approach to Urban Conservation and Regeneration in Amphawa Community, Thailand. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 3, 6 (Jan. 2018), 147–155. DOI:


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