Daylighting and Readers' Satisfaction: Raja Tun Uda Public Library, Shah Alam

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Ahmad Ridzwan Othman
Maz Aiera Mohd Mazli


Designing a library study environment is important to the mood, motivation and performance of individuals because interior design plays an important role in human mood and social behaviours. Lighting, as a control architectural tool, gives important influences on users' perception behaviour and visual comfort in libraries. A public library in Shah Alam was chosen as the main subject. The result found that library users prefer seats near daylighted areas, but the time spent in the library is not really affected by daylighting. Besides visual comfort, daylighting is not the only contributor to overall comfort and user satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Othman, A.R. and Mohd Mazli, M.A. 2018. Daylighting and Readers’ Satisfaction: Raja Tun Uda Public Library, Shah Alam. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 3, 7 (Mar. 2018), 47–58. DOI:


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