Coping Skills and Burnout among Medical Officers in a Malaysian Tertiary Hospital

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Nur Faizah Ali
Nor Jannah Nasution Raduan
Zaliha Ismail
Salmi Razali


Burnout among doctors is hazardous, leading to stress which results in poor decision making and exposure to medical errors. This study aims to improve the knowledge gap of the issues of burnout and coping skills among medical officers. This study is a cross-sectional study involving 250 medical officers using universal sampling. Of the total 250 participants, 63 (25.2%) were burnout. The presence of burnout was significantly associated with dysfunctional coping skills (t=-4.96; p <0.001).  Burnout is prevalent among medical officers. It is vital to take actions that can promote good mental health in the form of coping skills and resilience training.

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How to Cite
Ali, N.F., Nasution Raduan, N.J., Ismail, Z. and Razali, S. 2020. Coping Skills and Burnout among Medical Officers in a Malaysian Tertiary Hospital. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 5, 15 (Mar. 2020), 1–15. DOI:


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