Designing and Developing a Questionnaire on Autistic Learning Environment

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Roslinda Ghazali
Siti Rasidah Md Sakip
Ismail Samsuddin


Designing and developing a new questionnaire as an instrument used in data collection need a longer time to establish. This paper describes the processes involved in designing and developing the questionnaire. This instrument is to measure awareness and knowledge among who involves in the autistic learning environment. The survey must be both valid and reliable. The researcher refers to the expertise to check the quality of the tool. Each expert independently evaluated the relevance, clarity, and the understandability of the instrument. The overall content of the questionnaire comprises of sensory stimulation, sensory sensitivity, sensory design, and physical learning environment.

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How to Cite
Ghazali, R. , Md Sakip , S.R. and Samsuddin, I. 2020. Designing and Developing a Questionnaire on Autistic Learning Environment. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 5, 16 (Jul. 2020), 21–30. DOI:


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