On the Same Skywalk in a Time of Pandemic: How a vulnerable group copes with the new conditions in Hong Kong

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Caterina Villani
Gianni Talamini
Zhijian Hu


The public space plays a crucial role in providing adequate infrastructure for vulnerable social groups in the context of high-density urban Asia. In this study, a well-known elevated pedestrian network in Hong Kong emerges as a revelatory case for the comparative analysis of the pattern of stationary uses before and after the COVID-19 pandemic out-break. Findings reveal a significant decrease (-20 %) in the total number of users and a shift in the pattern of activities, comprising a significant shrinkage of socially oriented uses and a vast increase of individual behaviors. This study advocates a responsive policymaking that considers the peculiar post-outbreak needs of migrant workers in Hong Kong and in high-density urban Asia

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How to Cite
Villani, C. , Talamini, G. and Hu, Z. 2021. On the Same Skywalk in a Time of Pandemic: How a vulnerable group copes with the new conditions in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 5, 17 (Apr. 2021), 33–48. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21834/ajebs.v5i17.374.


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