The Conservation of Old Johar Market Building

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R. Siti Rukayah
Agung Budi Sardjono
Muhammad Abdullah
Annica Etenia


The conservation efforts for heritage architecture are currently trending. This paper aims to uncover the conservation of traditional markets after experiencing a fire in the Johar market, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. After the market was renovated, it turned out that it had not included all traders in it. Using the historical method, there is revealing that the number of traders exceeds the room's capacity. Theory discusses about the conservation approach and applied adaptive reuse theory found that the initial plan, is possible to return its function as a market by adjusting the number of traders' capacity. The advantages of traders are recommended to occupy the old square area as open spaces to be attractive for heritage tourism.

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How to Cite
Rukayah, R.S. , Sardjono, A.B. , Abdullah, M. and Etenia, A. 2021. The Conservation of Old Johar Market Building. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 5, 17 (Apr. 2021), 49–62. DOI:


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