Factors Impacting Workers Housing Decisions in Ho Chi Minh City

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Hoang-Thi Phuong-Thao
Shiann-Far Kung
Hsueh-Sheng Chang


Housing for workers in industrial zones is always the top concern of planning in Vietnam. However, the provision of housing types has not met the practical needs of workers. It leads to unplanned or high density in existing industrial neighborhoods. The research will determine factors impacting workers' housing decisions in the Ho Chi Minh City industrial zone through in-depth interviews, exploratory factor analysis, and multiple regression methods. The research results will significantly reduce the current weaknesses in industrial neighborhoods and support the planning or adjusting of residential planning in Vietnam's industrial zones.

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How to Cite
Phuong-Thao , H.-T. , Kung , S.-F. and Chang , H.-S. 2021. Factors Impacting Workers Housing Decisions in Ho Chi Minh City. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 6, 20 (Dec. 2021), 15–28. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21834/ajebs.v6i20.395.


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