Factors Influencing the Visit to the Courtyard Gardens in Public Hospitals in Malaysia

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Madihah Mat Idris
Magda Sibley
Karim Hadjri
Azhani Abd Manaf


Individuals mental health and well-being are significantly influenced by being in a natural setting and viewing nature. Hospital courtyard gardens (HCG) is a common feature found in public hospitals in Malaysia. Nevertheless, the factors influencing the visitation and non-visitation to the HCG are less understood. This study attempts to investigate factors influencing the visit and non-visitation of patients, staff and visitors to the HCGs in three Malaysian public hospitals. The research findings are instrumental to the architects and landscape architects to make necessary improvements for future HCG design and the hospital managers to enhance and retrofit the existing HCG.

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How to Cite
Mat Idris, M. , Sibley , M. , Hadjri , K. and Abd Manaf , A. 2021. Factors Influencing the Visit to the Courtyard Gardens in Public Hospitals in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies. 6, 20 (Dec. 2021), 29–47. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21834/ajebs.v6i20.396.


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