Assessing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Elements at Earlier-Built Transit Stations
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Urban inaccessibility is part of urban transportation issues. TOD is a solution to promote accessibility, and land use planning is part of TOD principles. This paper shares the outcome of a study that focuses on the interrelationship of land use and TOD and evaluates the core areas of two earlier-built transit stations before TOD was put forward in Malaysia. Thematic analysis was employed together with site investigations, and results demonstrated the essential requirement of integrating land use planning in TOD and the performance of two transit stations which embrace some of the critical principles of TOD.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yusfida Ayu Abdullah, Hamizah Yakob, Nurul Shakila Khalid, Andi Andi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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